Wednesday, 29 June 2011

New things.....

A couple of quick images of what I'm working on at the moment - I'm modelling a 50s style lounge with various furnishings. I'm trying to keep the poly count LOW (capitalised for emphasis). I'm not liking my texturing (especially the phone). I'm probably going to redo it.

Tris: 80

Tris: 36

Tris: 76

In other news.... I passed my MA! With Merit! :D

Friday, 10 June 2011

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I am alive...

... barely. I did, after all spend a good bit of time on Sunday dressed as a skeleton and fighting my own friends/faction... as you do on a Sunday afternoon!

Anyhow... my degree show stuff is up:

AND... my Tank has been printed (I've yet to see it in person, but Tim kindly sent me this pic):

Exciting stuff. Degree show is on Friday!!